Sunday, June 15, 2008

Goodbye Blog!

I'm leaving today for the MEPs hotel and will be shipping off to Fort Leonard Wood tomorrow! I'm excited and ready to get this part over with! I haven't updated in a while so I will give a full run down of the past few days.

I spent my last night in Denton hanging out with my wonderful boyfriend. We went to the Greenhouse for dinner. On the way out I noticed this view of the courthouse in the distance and thought it was so pretty. Goodbye Denton!! I will miss the Mini-Mart, the Loophole & 288 traffic!

Earlier in the day Scott and I had a ceremonious final meal at Taco Bell.
That evening my brother got into town and we spent the rest of the night visiting and getting ready for my big move. Of course he is the epitome of Army Strong so he is very useful for moving large objects, such as refrigerators. The next morning Murr & Lance packed the 12 foot U-Haul to the brim. It was completely full in every nook and cranny and with stuff almost spilling out. Hopefully this is the last time my dear brother will have to move all my stuff. I owe him big time!
We set out for Willis around noon. It was a pretty smooth trip, apart from when it started to rain on the uncovered TV in the back of Lance's pickup. He stopped to cover it and locked his keys in his car. He is blaming Geordi, trying to claim she stepped on the lock when he was out.... riiiight. Either way the best part is that after trying with several failed methods, including a ROOT that he dug up from the ground, he was finally able to jimmy it open using a piece of rebar he found laying around. Nice. My brother is MacGuyver.
When I think of home, I think of tomatoes. My Grandmother and my Dad have dueling tomato gardens. They put my measly little tomatoes to shame. This is just one of the piles of tomatoes lying around the house.
It was so nice to be able to spend some time with my amazing family before I leave.

Lance is chowing down on some catfish here while mom is blissfully unaware of the awful face he is making for the camera.

Lots of my family was in town for Father's Day. This is my Dad. He is pretty ridiculously awesome. Did you know he was a Master Sergeant in the Army National Guard? Here he is eating some of the AMAZING food he cooked for us. Notice Buttercup the old fat chihuahua snuggled in his lap. Also notice his shirt. This is where I get my unreasonable love for things with crawfish printed on them.
Here he is with four of his six children. You've already met Lance, plus my brother Billy and my sister Roxie. Clearly the girls are #1.
My birthday is June 25th and since I will be spending it in Basic Training, my family did a touch of celebrating for that this weekend too. Here I am with the amazing snake cake that my aunt Pat brought over for me. A little 11-year old boy she knows made it!! It's in memory of Skeeter!
Here I am with my amazing sister Roxanne. Her husband Dave SAVED MY BUTT because they were here when Lance and I pulled up with the U-Haul. He helped us move all my stuff into my parents house and did most of the heavy lifting with Lance.

My brother Donny had the sweetest hat known to man. Camo UNT!!!

My mom wrapped my birthday present in camo... with grenade balloons, which I thought was really hilarious. Inside was one bodacious gift... CAMO FOR GEORDI!!!! She is so cute. Look at her bone camo bed!!! She loves her new collar and water bowl too. She will be staying with Mom & Dad until I get out of Basic Training and back from my first tour with the band, so I probably won't see her again until November! :(
As you can see she had a nice time schmoozing around with all of my fam.

This morning my Aunt Pat planned a Father's Day/Birthday/Going-away Breakfast. The spread was amazing and it was soo nice to have home-cooking! Look at all the cool decorations! She also made that cake in the middle!!

Well, I'm just about to leave with my Mom to head back to Dallas. It's going to be a wild adventure I'm sure. I can't wait to post some of the more interesting stories from Basic. I'm going to miss everyone lots but I'm very excited about all that is to come. Thanks for being such fantastic friends. I thought this picture of my Grandmother serenading me on my new valve trombone (best birthday gift of all time from my Murr), would be a fitting send off!
Hooah and BYE FOR NOW!

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