Sunday, June 8, 2008

Garage Sale

The garage sale was a success! I made exactly $200, purged many excess belongings, and met lots of very... interesting people. I had advertised the sale starting at 6:00am in the newspaper... so of course as I'm setting stuff out at 5:30am our first customer arrives. He was definitely a hardcore "saler." He left with all my Simpsons and Star Wars PEZ dispensers for 25 cents.  

We actually had a fairly steady stream of customers all morning until around 12:00pm. I never knew I had so many unique neighbors! It was funny how people would take the things that I considered to be some of the junkiest items, but I had some of my nicest clothes left at the end of the day. It started sprinkling briefly, but otherwise the weather was perfect. During one of the lulls Maura and I took pictures goofing off with some of the choice items. 

There were so many early professional garage sale people that most of the good stuff was gone by 7:30am. So I felt guilty the rest of the day when people would show up and look around and be like, "this is all you have?" 

Marco joined us later in the morning and got in on the fun. He also made off with my big bookshelf! By 1:00pm we hadn't had a customer in a while and I was nodding off hardcore, so Maura and I packed up and then went inside and passed out power nap style. 

By far the worst part of th
e day was when the front door cracked open and Geordi escaped. Maura was putting up signs down the road when she called me and said that Geordi was running around on 288! 

I tried to coax her back to me with food, but every time she saw me, she got this gleeful look on her face and would run as fast as she possibly could in the opposite direction. I had to watch in horror as she ran right in to traffic across 288. Luckily all the cars stopped or avoided her and were nice about it too. 

Finally she ran back into the apartment complexes near my house and when she stopped to sniff something I was able to snatch her up. I was not pleased, as you can see. 

The rest of the day was great. I got to hear Jamie Lipton play a fantastic recital and hang out with friends that I won't be seeing for a long time after this week!  Here is Jessica and Leah working hard on a puzzle. 

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