Monday, June 9, 2008

Geordi Hates W

As you can see, the packing is well on its way. I should have everything out into the garage by tomorrow so that I can clean. Wednesday a lady is coming over to inspect the place and decide if I get my deposit back. I think I should be able to get most of it, but I've had back luck in the past. 

I bought my first ever UNT sweatshirt. Hard to believe that after 6 years in this place that I never had one, but I do now! It is very mean green. 

So earlier this year Jessica and I had a toad that was living in the back yard. Geordi kept trying to attack it so we moved it to the front yard. We hadn't seen him in months and months, but now he has made a triumphant return. He's so cute!!

In other news, my dog is deathly afraid of George W. Bush... or at least his cardboard cut-out. I inherited this fine piece of decor from Dan Ord, probably because I was the only other Republican he knew at UNT :) I found it this week when cleaning out my closet and Geordi tried to run and hide whenever she saw him. I don't know if it's his economic or foreign policies that offend her, but she kept running under the bed and hiding. Today I took down my bed frame, so she had nowhere to go. 

Tomorrow I'm going to the Mac store to get my computer fixed- it keeps dying suddenly when it isn't plugged in but has a high battery charge. I'm also going to buy some other things I'll need for Basic and see my recruiter later. Keeping busy, time is flying by!! Only 6 more days of freedom left! 


Leah said...

yay toad! geordi being afraid of w made me giggle.

Gabe said...

My computer did the same thing. Silly Macs.