Wednesday, September 10, 2008

City Girl

Things have been crazy here! I have had tons of orientation stuff to do. Today I sat through hours upon hours of briefings on everything from how to use military healthcare to the civil war history of the area. But things are great, I just love my new job. I've had three rehearsals with the band so far, and it is just so fantastic. Everyone has been beyond nice, and it feels really good to be doing what I love again. I don't know if there was ever a person so excited to be playing Billy Joel medleys! 

My big news is that I finally found a place to live. For the past week I've been on a major search. 
Living in this area is so different from Texas. You have to pay way more money to get a much smaller place. I looked everywhere, but finally decided to go with a good deal that I found in Baltimore. I am living in the middle of the city, pretty close to Johns Hopkins University. It's going to be quite an adventure doing the whole city living thing, but I think that it will be fun and will serve me well until I can find a house that I want to buy. I'm posting a few pictures that I took when I went to view the place. I am moving in tomorrow and will post more soon!

This is the living room. It is much smaller than the house that I moved out of,  so I'm really glad I left my couches! I will have a futon, my recliner, and papasan chair in here. 

This is my kitchen. the living room is open to it, and the appliances are new and nice. Behind the kitchen is a little accent wall that is red brick. It's so cute and trendyish,

This is my bathroom. This is like a luxury bathroom compared to some of 
the ones I looked at. Do you Denton people remember my bathroom at the Meadow Ridge house? Hahaha times have changed. :) 

This is the back of the apartment. There is a little yard, but without a fence, so I'm going have to walk little Geordi. The deck is nice though, will be good for sipping coffee and such, which its not freezing cold. 

So one thing I really missed during basic training was cooking. I found this awesome little cookbook on sale for $4.50 at Barnes & Noble and I can't wait to start making stuff. I have been looking forward to having my own little place and starting my life here and it being all nice and cozy and feel like I have a home again. I'll let you know how that goes. :) 

1 comment:

Leah said...

that all looks so awesome!